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Register for our last pitch-off next week on September 2

It’s time again to start warming up your pitching arm. Our next Pitchers & Pitches session takes place next week on September 2. Register today!

Pitchers & Pitches sessions combine critique and competition with a focus on helping early-stage startup founders create an iron-clad, 60-second pitch. Here’s how it works. Everyone is welcome to attend, but only founders exhibiting in Digital Startup Alley at Disrupt 2020 will be invited to pitch.

We’ll feature five startups from Digital Startup Alley to present their best, rapid-fire pitch to a panel of experts. Previous P&P judges have featured leading VCs including Monique IdlettJess Morris Jr., Sydney Thomas and Curtis Rodgers. Who better than top VCs to provide constructive feedback on your pitch? They’ll help you cut to the chase and present the essential information in the best possible light.

The viewing audience will choose which of the five startups presented the best pitch, and that lucky team will win a consulting session with cela, a company that connects early-stage startups to accelerators and incubators that can help scale their businesses.

Listen to what the winner of our first Pitchers and Pitches session, Hannah Webb, CEO of Findster Technologies, says about her experience.

“Disrupt and Digital Start Up Alley haven’t even officially started yet, and we’ve already seen great benefits. Cela introduced us to multiple accelerators in the NYC area and one is a perfect fit for our company’s situation.”

Even if you don’t get to pitch, you still get to benefit. Take that top VC advice and apply it to your own business to make your pitch a more effective tool. You need a pitch that impresses, that opens doors and starts conversations. This is a rare opportunity to get advice from the very people you want to attract.

Here are even more reasons to attend Pitchers & Pitches.

  • Get familiar with the new virtual Disrupt platform before it goes live in September
  • Watch and interact with the pitch-off event on the virtual main stage
  • Meet and video network with other attendees
  • Connect with the five pitchers in their virtual booth in the startup expo

The next Pitchers & Pitches takes place next week on September 2 at 1pm PT / 4pm ET – Register to see all of the action today. And while you’re at it get your Disrupt Digital Startup Alley you can start to reap all of the benefits of Disrupt 2020 right away! Get warmed up and ready to throw the first pitch!

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt 2020? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

from Startups – TechCrunch


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